Monday, October 26, 2009

My Third Semester Grades (2nd year, 1st sem)

I finally got my grades!!

Thank God, I don't have failed and dropped. And I must admit, they are very much surprising... In this semester, I have 10 subjects with the following grades :P

Differential Calculus: 3.0
Physics I: 2.75
Physics (Lab): 2.0
Technical Writing: 2.25
Computer Fundamentals: 1.75
Physical Education: 2.0
Major Subject (Lecture): 1.75
Monochromatic Drawing: 2.75
Major Subject (Laboratory):2.5

See my grades? haha My mom said, "I will increase your allowance if you can produce 1.0" Hello? 1.0, I did my best for those grades and I can't imagine how much effort should I increase to get 1.0

Anyways, my mom understood my position, I have classes from Mondays to Sundays and I also have work online...

At least, I don't have class cards to keep (hehe because I don't have 5.0)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My friends at the end of Semester

My two gay friends became three and good news, from now on, I am not the only female here... Jayvee Ardona, Arabelle Atrero and Alyanna Amor Tapere were my new added friends (haha facebook???)

Let me introduce Jayvee first. He is the third berkla. He is so smart (thumbs-up and bottoms up!) Like jovy, he looks like a guy, but definitely, he's not. He has muscles on his chest and on his arms.. Just stop him when he wants to speak and you will see a "real man"...

(Jovy on the left, Arabelle next to him and Jayvee at the right)

Let's talk about Arabelle. Yes, we're not that close and we talk often. But we're together daily. She's nice and she's jolly (so much haha). She's from Subic and a 17-year-old girl (turning 18). But as of now, she's living at our school.. strange? haha at the hostel... She speaks out whatever on her mind...

(Minzee at the left, Alyanna next to him and Me on the right side)

Let's talk about Alyanna. A pretty-inlove-girl. Just like Ara, she's my jolly friend. She's smart and wanna know what's strange about her? She doesn't want what we are doing right know. Just like cheating and watching videos. Why? because she told us "I don't wanna do those things again, I promised myself not to repeat what I often did on my high school life"... And I understand her.. So you must :P

(Me, Alyanna, Arablle, Jovy, Minzee and Jayvee)

I started in this university alone, until I met two and two became six...